Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Book 1 (My Opinion, Your choice) - Chapter 4, Part 1

As cells are presented with a challenge or stimulus, they begin a process of mutation or change, which may also be called adaptation. This cellular change takes place on the individual level, until an entire organ has mutated and adapted. The entire body goes through this process until it is better suited to and balanced with the environment. This process repeats as new challenges or stimuli are presented by the environment. This adaptation, in addition to a cell’s daily routine, seems to be the entire “point” of a cell’s existence. Evolution appears to be the cell’s constant cycle of adapting to and finding a balance with its environment, as the environment changes the process repeats.

As people are presented with a challenge or stimulus, they begin a process of mutation or change, which may also be called adaptation. This personal change takes place on the individual level, until an entire group has mutated and adapted. The entire humanity goes through this process until it is better suited to and balanced with the environment. This process repeats as new challenges and stimuli are presented by the environment. This adaptation, in addition to a person’s daily routine, seems to be the entire “point” of a person’s existence. Evolution appears to be a person’s constant cycle of adapting to and finding a balance with their environment, as the environment changes the process repeats.

The cells of the human body are individuals, which are part of a whole. As a cell dies, it is absorbed or expelled. Replacement cells are produced by the body, and the body as a whole continues existing, as does the consciousness, even as the cycle repeats and the cells die, are replaced, multiply, or mutate. As cells mutate and adapt, the overall body adapts to the stimuli it is receiving, which caused the change in the first place. As the individual cells in the body unite, they produce a self-aware entity; a person. Perhaps our consciousness is the collective consciousness of the billions, if not trillions of cells in our bodies. Is a person the result of this cellular unity, or is the body a vessel for an intelligence (soul) inhabiting it? If we look at society, we see a multitude of individual cells, or people, uniting for a common purpose, but each of the cells, or people, is self-aware. If the soul merely inhabits the body, then society would have a separate consciousness inhabiting it, while the self-aware individual people would have no say. Since this is not the case, it follows that society has a societal collective awareness composed of individually functioning self-aware people who have their own opinions and free choice, leading to the conclusion; a person's consciousness is the collective consciousness of the cells in the body. Since cells are collectively conscious, this means that every cell individually is at least aware, if not self-aware. Talking to yourself has just taken on a whole new meaning.

To be continued...

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